Sunday, December 29, 2019

Mediator - Alternative Dispute Resolution Career

Mediator - Alternative Dispute Resolution CareerMediator - Alternative Dispute Resolution CareerA mediator helps people settle disputes without going through the court system. He or she uses a collection of processes referred to as alternative dispute resolution. Mediators are also known as arbitrators and conciliators. Quick Facts In 2015, mediators earned amedian annual salaryof $58,020or hourly wages of $27.89.Approximately 8,400 people worked as mediators in 2014.Most jobs are full time.Mediators have a goodjob outlook. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment will grow faster than the average for all occupations through 2024. A Mediators Job Duties To learn what a mediators job is like, we looked at listings on These are some of the job duties we found listed there Conduct mediation conferences on child custody and visitation disputesCreate and maintain all files involved in the mediation processMeetwith disputing parties and attorneysRepo rt, track, and follow-up on mediated casesLead discussions of procedural and substantive legal issuesPartner with legal counsel to reach resolutions that are in the best interest of the customer, the company and investorsParticipate in educational opportunities within the ADR community How To Become a Mediator Requirements for mediators vary by state. While some require them to be experienced lawyers, many do not even stipulate that one has to have a law degree. State or court funded mediation programs have specific training or experience requirements for those who work within their systems, but again these requirements vary. One can get training through independent mediation programs, membership organizations and post-secondary schools. It usually includes completing a 40-hour basic course and a 20-hour advanced training course. Like educational requirements, licensing and certification requirements vary by state with some states licensing mediators and others certifying or reg istering them. Some professional organizations provide voluntary certifications. What Soft Skills Do You Need? In addition to education,trainingand licensing requirements, you will also need certainsoft skills, or personal qualities, to do your job. They are Interpersonal Skills As a mediator, you must develop arapport with people and be able to facilitate negotiations between them. Excellent persuasion skills are also necessary.Active Listening You need the ability to carefully listen to the information people are providing in order toevaluate it.Verbal Communication You must be able to effectively convey instructions to clients.Reading Comprehension The ability to understand the vast quantity of written information pertaining to cases is essential. Critical Thinking You must be able to apply legal rules when making decisions and solving schwierigkeits. What Employers Expect From a Mediator In addition to skills and experience, what qualities do employers look for when they hire workers? Here are some requirements from actual job announcements found Maintain neutrality and poise while conducting mediationsStrong planning, organizational, multi-tasking skillsAn ability to work independently without supervision, to exercise judgment and discretion in maintaining party confidences, control direction of negotiations and problem solve within a court environmentDemonstrated ability to work with difficult situations with multiple interests/parties involvedAbility to present strongly and perform duties in court and conference Occupations With Related Activities and Tasks DescriptionMedian Annual Wage (2015)Minimum Required Education/TrainingAttorneyRepresents clients in legal cases$115,820Juris Doctor (J.D.) Degree From a Law SchoolJudgeOversees legal cases in a courtroom$126,930Juris Doctor (J.D.) Degree From a Law SchoolParalegalSupports attorneys in a law office$48,810Associate or Bachelors Degree, or On-the-Job Training SourcesBureau of L abor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor,Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2016-17(visited June 9, 2016 ).Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,O*NET Online(visited June 9, 2016).

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mapping Brain Magnetic Resonance Elastography

Mapping Brain Magnetic Resonance Elastography Mapping Brain Magnetic Resonance Elastography Researchers interested in imaging the brain have long desired to study the stiffness of brain tissue as a way to show changes in the structural integrity of the brain during disease. Although magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can identify aspects of brain structure and function, it has not been very helpful in mapping the mechanical properties of the brain, such as tissue stiffness. This may soon change- a tool called magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is showing promise in recent lab tests.MRE is a noninvasive method for measuring the mechanical properties of tissues. Vibrations are generated using a device that stimulates the head similar to a handheld massager and is comfortable for the subject.The vibrations create internal tissue displacements of only a few microns, which can accurately reflect tissue stiffness- a potentially significant indicator of tissue health. MRE has become very p opular for studying fibrosis and cirrhosis, which drastically change the stiffness of the liver. However, since the brain is mechanically complex, with distinct structures exhibiting different elasticity and anisotropy, voreingestellt MRE has not been able to accurately measure mechanical properties. Previous studies have not been able to capture local mechanical values in the brain due to shortcomings in imaging technology, says Brad Sutton, a bioengineering professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This has limited clinical studies that would target properties of a specific structure or region of the brain. To capture the local properties of the brain, higher-quality MRE images are needed that measure displacements in three dimensions, with high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). To meet this challenge, Sutton and fellow professor John Georgiadis from the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, along with graduate student Curtis Johnson and professor Keith Paulsen from Dartmouth College, have developed an innovative brain MRE method that can measure the stiffness of brain tissue. This may lead to earlier detection of disease states in the future.Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography model of fiber directions helps to examine the connectivity of different regions in the brain. Image Digitalcommons.unl.eduResearch ParametersThe challenge in measuring local mechanical properties of brain tissue is developing an MRI acquisition scheme that captures high-fidelity MRE data during a comfortable and safe subject exam. Spatial beschluss must be increased without compromising image acquisition speed or SNR, the hallmark of data quality. In the past, researchers have used very fast, single-shot acquisitions for brain MRE to minimize the necessary scan time, says Sutton. These acquisitions capture the entire image in a single pass, which is advantageous for many applications, although it has its d rawbacks. For high-resolution needs, these approaches suffer significantly and lead to poor data quality, which in turn makes the estimated stiffness unreliable, he says. Overcoming these limitations with standard techniques generally requires longer scan times, making them infeasible.Suttons new brain MRE sequence is based on multishot spiral imaging that draws on his previous experience with other brain-imaging applications. Spiral imaging is a popular, fast-imaging technique that is very flexible and allows researchers to tradeoff between resolution, SNR, and acquisition time for different needs. Spiral imaging is uniquely suited for MRE and we have been able to acquire high-quality datasets with improved spatial resolution, without a significant increase in scan time, says Sutton. To date, this acquisition is capable of generating brain MRE data at the highest-reported spatial resolution. This has enabled significant new findings about local mechanical properties of the brain.Th e method was tested on a gelatin model to determine if the improved spatial resolution would play a role in estimating the properties of small, embedded inclusions. Measurements were also taken on the brains of healthy volunteers to investigate the mechanical properties of individual structures in the brain that have specific roles in brain function.Results and DiscussionThe research demonstrated that spatial resolution does play a significant role in characterizing local variations in viscoelastic properties. MRE stiffness maps successfully identified the inclusions in the gelatin model, and higher-resolution acquisitions were capable of more accurately estimating the true properties of the inclusions. Measurements on brains of subjects were able to identify specific white-matter structures, including the corpus callosum and corona radiata, as being stiffer than the surrounding brain tissue. This is a significant improvement over the lower-resolution MRE brain studies that only rep ort volume averaged stiffness values.Our qualitative evidence shows that high-resolution MRE is capable of resolving local variations in tissue stiffness that correlate with the white matter structures in the brain, says Sutton. To our knowledge, no other reports delineating brain structures directly from MRE stiffness maps to this degree have been published. Future work will quantify the mechanical properties of individual structures in the white-matter architecture using this technique, and may bolster the clinical applicability of brain MRE.In the next few years we will hopefully have brain MRE adopted for a clinical setting, where it can be used to detect subtle changes in brain tissue in the early stages of disease, says Sutton. Further, using multiple non-invasive measures from MRI, we will be able to characterize a range of microstructural changes that accompany disease or modell aging processes.Mark Crawford is an independent writer.Qualitative evidence shows that high-resol ution magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is capable of resolving local variations in tissue stiffness that correlate with the white matter structures in the brain.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Gender Wage Gap in the Legal Profession

The Gender Wage Gap in the Legal ProfessionThe Gender Wage Gap in the Legal ProfessionBy now, youve likely heard about the gender wage gemeinsame agrarpolitik- it exists in all industries, although the percentages vary. The gender wage gemeinsame agrarpolitik is defined as the difference between womens and mens average weekly full-time equivalent earnings, expressed as a percentage of mens earnings. Closing the gender wage gap has been on the minds of many people, both in positions of power and your average middle-of-the-road worker. In fact, the gender wage gap was first brought to the attention of the United States in 1963, when the Equal Pay Act was signed by President John F. Kennedy. While that was a good start- it raised a womans average earnings from 62% of a mans to almost 80% by 2004- the goal has not yet been achieved. It was again brought up in 2009 when President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law, which overturned the holding-gesellschaft of t he Supreme Court case Ledbetter v. Goodyear, which limited employees ability to sue for arguably inequitable pay decisions. Even after all of the work and the policies passed, women are still only earning 78 cents to the mans dollar, on average. All of those statistics consider all lines of work in which both men and women are employed. How does the legal professionhold up? The Legal Gender Wage Gap According to a study published on PayScale, legal occupations see some of the highest wage gaps not controlled by education or experience, some as high as 38.6 percent. While this looks and sounds like a catastrophic gap that may never close, there are some noticeable caveats to that statistic. First, while there are more women working in legal professions than men (at 68 percent), men dominate the higher-paying and higher-ranking legal jobs. In addition, this statistic includes legal support workers, such as paralegals and secretaries, which would give the statistics a certain skew, because these lower-status jobs are more likely to be filled by women. The wage gap in the legal industry, however, is a very real thing for women to consider. Here are the highlights concerning the wage gap among lawyers. Female Lawyers are Paid Less No Matter How Long or Hard They Work In a report released by Sky Analytics, a legal invoicing company, it was confirmed that women at law firms can work more hours and have more years of experience, but they are still earning less money than their male counterparts. This is in large part because they are billed at often significantly lower rates than men. The report also showed that women bill an average of 24 minutes more each day than men do. These statistics highlight the fact that while women work more, men still make more money. The Wage Gap among Equity Partners has Widened This may seem surprising since an increasing number of women (and men) are starting to speak out about the wage gap and the lack of females at the to ps of firms and companies, but the wage gap of equity partners at law firms has widened. This is in large part because the number of female equity partners across law firms has barely increased in recent years, but is also showing the lack of pay increase that women get once they are at the top. Practice Area May Play a Role While many of the statistics about the wage gap in legal professionsare very discouraging, there is one aspect that may put some of it into perspective. Within the law, there are many different practice areas, and each has its own set of wage averages and male to female lawyer ratios. It appears that women more often end up practicing in areas such as employment law, family law, and some areas of property law, all of which have lower average salaries than many other male-dominated areas of law, such as MA, banking and finance, and commercial litigation. This may play a role in the statistics as a whole but does not change the fact that there is a gender wag e gap within the legal profession. There are Organizations That Specifically Support Female Lawyers If there is one thing that is definitely helping women in their fight for equal pay within the legal community, it is the number of organizations that are specifically focused on furthering women in the law. Two organizations of notenzeichen are the National Association of Women Lawyers and Ms. JD. Both of these organizations regularly address the issues and challenges involved in being a female lawyer, and both have programs that are meant to help women in the law succeed. Hopefully, this will help close the gender wage gap within the legal profession in the future and help women continue to advance to higher-status, higher-paid positions within law firms in the United States. Should You Move to a Different Professional Environment to Avoid the Gender Wage Gap in the Legal Profession? Unfortunately, the wage gap isnt any better in other industries, so if you have a law degree and are thinking of switching to another field, dont expect a big improvement. In fact, some industries have it even worse, and there isnt a single industry where women make more money. Consider these other concerns with the gender wage gap before you take the leap and leave the legal field. Marriage and Children are Great for Mens Careers, but Not for Womens When men get married and have children, they are seen as stable and reliable- how could they not be, in the gendered standards of the present day? Because of their perceived reliability and stability, husbands and fathers in the workplace are more likely to be given pay raises and promotions. The opposite is true for women with children, married or unmarried. When a woman starts a family, she is more likely to be seen as unreliable, since good mothers cannot put their careers before their families. It is this kind of career double standard that is contributing to the overall average wage gap in the United States. Execu tive Positions See Larger Wage Gaps While there are some industries and companies where executives are under controlled compensation factors, there are many companies where the wages of the executives are not controlled in any way. In the controlled compensation situations, the wage gap between female and male executives is 6.1 percent. However, in the more common situations where compensation is not controlled, males make as much as 32.8 percent more than female executives. That is a striking difference and is not generally closed by work or educational experience. Some Industries Have Wage Gaps Worse than the National Average The industries that have consistently larger pay gaps between men and women are also (for the most part) the industries that are historically dominated by men. This includes such lines of work as mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction. When experience and degree level are taken into account, the pay gap in these industries is around 5.4 percent. H owever, when those factors are not accounted for, the pay gap is closer to 25 percent. In fact, the mining, oil, and gas industry has the largest controlled industry pay gap, and it doesnt seem like it will be closing anytime soon. Women Peak Earlier In this case, peaking earlier is to a womans disadvantage. A recent study has found that men often continue earning raises and getting promotions until they are in their mid-50s, whereas women stop seeing pay increases between the ages of 35 and 40. Not only that, but the median salaries for those ages are $75,000 for men and $49,000 for women- that is a big difference when it comes to earning the maximum salary possible.? Women of Color Have It Worst Not only is there a pay gap between women of color and men of color, but there is also a pay gap between women of color and white women. This means that, statistically, women of color earn the lowest wages of anyone in the workforce.? As far as industries go, legal professions stil l have a lot of room for improvement when it comes to closing the gender wage gap, especially in terms of partners and executives. However, there is good news on the horizon. There are many people and organizations fighting for equal pay for women, both in the legal realm and in general. The wage gap is a very hot-button topic at the moment, and it is aya to continue to be so until the gap starts to close on the national level. For the time being, women lawyers, keep working hard Hopefully, it will eventually all pay off. If not, you can always use your legal skills to file a lawsuit and fight unfair pay that way

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Dont Be a S-A-P Your Job Search is Not a Numbers Game

Dont Be a S-A-P Your Job Search is Not a Numbers Game Dont Be a S-A-P Your Job Search is Not a Numbers Game Job postings have become less effective for recruiters in the last few years because of the spray-and-pray (or S-A-P) approach many use when applying for jobs. This theory is that if a job binnenseeker applies for as many jobs as possible, sooner or later, theyll win the lottery and land a job. Unfortunately, thats just not how positions are filled.In S-A-P, unqualified job seekers are thinking Why not? or Might as well give it a shot when they click the Apply. On the other side of the process, employers who receive those random applications are thinking something very different. They are often thinking, Cant this idiot read? or Are they kidding?In addition to being ineffective, this approach is also a big nuisance for employers who may receive an average of 250 applications for each job opening. Because of S-A-P, typically less than 50% of those applying for jobs are qualified . On the employers side, this creates a big problem, particularly if theyre working to fill several openings.Because they dont have the time to check each application to uncover the few applicants who are actually qualified, most employers use software known as an applicant tracking system (or ATS) to separate the potential candidates from the rejected applicants.Disadvantages for S-A-P game players includePosted jobs have the most competition.They dont make their best effort on any of their applications because that would slow them down, so they seldom make it through the initial applicant screening.They waste time applying for jobs that would never be hired for, time that could be better used networking or working on their LinkedIn Profiles.They are repeatedly ignored or rejected by employers which is very discouraging.The biggest disadvantage for S-A-P players is clear Because theyvealwaysbeen unqualified for the jobs they applied for in the past, their applications are automatic ally disregarded in some companys systems, even if they manage to apply for a job that is a good fit. So, think of your job search as a very important shopping expedition. You need to create your best shopping list. Heres how1. Know what you really want and are qualified to doIts hard to hit a target if you dont know what the target is. Thats like going into a big shopping mall to buy something. You may waste your time and money buying something useless. You will be spending your time and money mora wisely if you know what you want and why you need it like new socks to replace the ones with the holes in them.Think about work you have enjoyed doing and are good at doing. Go to a job board and research the jobs available (do NOT apply). Enter the job title you think you might likeDo most of the postings for that job describe work that you would like to do? Do you meet MOST of the requirements for that job?Are requirements listed that you dont meet?Which employers are hiring people to do that job? What other employers would also need people to do that job?What job titles are used by target employers for the job you want?If youre having trouble figuring out the best job for you, search using the requirements that you meet (skills you enjoy using, for example), and see the job titles that have those requirements. Then, go through the same analysis as above.2. Develop your list of target employersBack to the shopping analogy shop at the stores that are most logical for your goal. You wouldnt go into a toy store or a store with a bad reputation to buy those socks. Having target employers enables you to focus your networking activities, which is the major way employers prefer to hire. Having target employers also helps you to focus your resumes, job applications, and even your LinkedIn Profile with the best keywords (like the job titles and hard skills).Focus on learning which are the best employers in your area. Maybe everyone you know who works at a major local e mployer hates working there and leaves as soon as they can. Take that name off your list. Or they love it and are happy to refer you for a job there. Add them to your list. Check with sites like Glassdoor and even Indeed to look for reviews and ratings of employers. Those reviews will give you an indication of how happy employees are. Also check these employers out on LinkedIn and FacebookWhat do their employees (current and former) say about them?Do they seem to be growing or shrinking?Are you familiar with their products or services? Are they good?Do you know anyone who works (or worked) for any of these employers? Reach out to see if they like their jobs and if they know of any openings. Collect as much information as you can so that you have the shortest job search possible.Bottom LineIn this very competitive job market, job seekers need to stay focused and bring their A Game to every opportunity. After networking, the best way to succeed is to focus on tailoring your resume and application for a short list of carefully chosen jobs at a pre-selected list of employers.Susan P. Joyce, publisher of Job-Hunt.orgsince 1998, has been observing the online job search world and teaching online job search skills since 1995. A veteran of the United States Marine Corps and a former Visiting Scholar at the MIT Sloan School of Management, Susan is a two-time layoff graduate who has worked in human resources at Harvard University and in a compensation consulting firm. Since 1998, Susan has been editor and publisher of Follow Susan on Twitter at jobhuntorgand on LinkedIn.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What Does Resume Examples 2018 Mean?

What Does Resume Examples 2018 Mean? So you must compose your resume. There are several online resume maker tools which will sure help you to acquire a resume in pdf format only as long as you pay them. As previously mentioned, you wish to select a resume format thats suited to your personal profile. The absolute most important part of a cover letter is the way relevant it is. When you write your cover letter, you are far mora likely to have results in the event the cover letter is addressed straight to the individual who will be reading it. Obviously, sample resume objective examples are all over the internet, which is excellent. Double check to make certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. Lets say youve learned a great deal of skills and youve got the resume content to show for it. Always ensure you dont explain your resume two or more pages and always think about the fundamental things. The website delivers some helpful prewritten phrases you may use if you become stumped attempting to produce your own. Take a look at our article on the way to use your job references strategically in the event that you need more info. How to Choose Resume Examples 2018 Two even columns for the rest of the page give you a lot of room to woo the company by means of your experience, skills, and education. Because you would like to provide a great deal of attention to both, you might not have much room left for different sections, including a resume summary, volunteer work, interests, etc.. Resume writing help can likewise be availed at your community employment center or college. For some jobs, you will want to highlight certain abilities, while for others, you are going to want to demonstrate related experience. Its cool that youre searching for a job to have some money, but you need some issues with resume. You will need to understand you way on getting the job. When youre working at your existing job youre not stressed, seem s like everything goes smooth and with no troubles. The Debate Over Resume Examples 2018 Skill lists are great on top, too theyre a quick means of showing what you could do. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to learn how to vary the usage of action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective accomplishment statement. For the reason, resume formats keep changing every year to fulfill their expectations. Giving a PDF copy will be a better choice. Create the contact Info tab After producing the page, you require, to start with, your contact data in the very first area of the page. You may also download completely free templates from our Resume Library to get going on your best resume. Deciding on a resume format in 2019 isnt as difficult as you expect. Possessing a great resume format is crucial to organizing your data in a sense which will help you become noticed. Your resume must be filled with all the information you w ill need to convey about yourself to advertise yourself. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional way. Writing resume is a rather complicated undertaking but Ive made it straightforward for you my dear friend. You have earned a job that you love and nows the opportunity to make it occur Simply because youve got zero experience or its your very first job. In addition, you can look for secretary jobs on Monster. There are many things you should take into consideration when applying for employment nowadays. Learning and becoming certified in Google Analytics can demonstrate an employer that youre able to recognize complex problems utilizing critical thinking. Also be certain you tailor the document to the job youre applying for. Make certain you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about Furthermore, a resume that isnt ATS-compliant is not likely to ever be selected as a match, irrespective of the candidates actual qualifications for a fu nction. Just make sure, whichever format you select, which youre targeting it for the job which youre applying to. All you actually need is a tiny expert advice and a nudge in the correct direction. Unfortunately, there are numerous candidates who underestimate the heart of the resume objective and dont pay much attention to it. What is Really Happening with Resume Examples 2018 Career objective is easily the most significant part your resume. binnensee that the CV reflects your finest assets and techniques that show how youre a superior fit for the new application. A professional resume objective can assist you in a positive manner to compose the remainder of your resume.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ruthless Writing Email with Resume with No Position Strategies Exploited

Ruthless Writing Email with Resume with No ort Strategies Exploited Details of Writing Email with Resume with No Position Even in the event that you craft the ideal email to send a resume, its leise true that you require a killer cover letter. For example, if according to the advert youre anticipated to send only the resume and the cover letter, make sure that that is just what you attach. Its possible to still attach your cover letter in anotzu sich file, just be certain it matches the content of your cover email. It is quite easy to find sample cover letters online in the event youre in need for one to support your resume. You abflug by telling why youre writing and what specific position youre interested in. You may also consider asking trusted friends or family to assess your writing sample. Get really clear regarding the impression you wish to makemaybe even jot down a couple of words. You specify which youre looking for someone with strong writing abilities. The 30 -Second Trick for Writing Email with Resume with No Position Superior writers arent easy to find and robust writing skills can propel your in quite a few directions. Or, perhaps it is a technical position and you would like to underscore your research abilities. Needless to say, other candidates will most likely have the exact same attributes in their resume. If you dont follow instruction, your email can be regarded as trash or spam then you are going to be thinking about why youre not being called for an interview. Your recipient might be receiving several emails at the very same time, a few of which arent important to her or him. Writing a perfect resume email is only a fraction of all of the situations you must keep in mind before you click send. Ensure your subject line clearly states the aim of the message so the employer doesnt mistake it for spam, or otherwise overlook it. The New Fuss About Writing Email with Resume with No Position When adding your contact informat ion, its not always smart to include your house address, particularly if you live some miles away from the website of the internship which youre applying for. When its by email, you might be advised in regard to what format you need to use for your resume, what things to include in the topic line of the email message, and by once the employer should receive it. Be mindful concerning the time you decide to send your resume email. There are steps that you may take to make your resume email stick out from the rest. The Start of Writing Email with Resume with No Position You may be surprised at how many writing gems you find when you get started searching your files. You should pick a bit of writing that is relatable for the provider. You will never know when you may be requested to submit a writing sample. If you are picking an old writing sample, be certain to carefully review and update it to reflect the latest ideas. For instance, if youre asking for a scientific research position, you should choose a research paper from your latest position or highest level of schooling. Prioritize the info supplied for each position starting with the most relevant and important details in connection with the job which you are applying for. Then your occupation is very simple since tons of sites are offering many resume samples that may be used for different job applications with regard to the work position youre applying. If youre asking for an advertised job, you are going to have to follow along with the instruction in the advert.